82 LOL GX radio

82 LOL GX radio Nowhere and Everywhere. If you are a musician you can send us an email to 82.lolgx@gmail.com with a mp3 file with your song, name of the band, name of the song and we will put your song on the air.

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About Us

We are an online radio that allow independent artists to show their music. If you are a musician you can send us an email to 82.lolgx@gmail.com with a mp3 file with your song, name of the band, name of the song and we will put your song on the air. Somos una radio que ofrece a los artistas independientes un espacio donde mostrar su música. Si eres músico puedes enviarnos tu canción en mp3 a 82.lolgx@gmail.com con el nombre de tu banda, y el nombre de la canción y la ponemos en el aire.

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